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Your Health and Disease Status is Linked with GUT 

Check GUT-Score on Priority

Stomach Ache

Are You Facing GUT issues?

Stress, Constipation, IBD, Heaviness, Acidity, Bloating, Diabetes, Thyroid, Respiratory, Sleep, Mental Issues, Fatigue or more

GUT Health

Root Cause Analysis


Online, Non-invasive

Exclusive by GUT Microbiologist

No pricks-No probe test

Our breakthrough method accurately identifies the root causes of issues via a deep assessment session and offers guidance for resolving and preventing illnesses. It is a safe, painless, novel method and does not involve any microbiota-disturbing tests or guesswork.   

Identification & Natural Resolution 

Sam's GHRCA  Score Card (Day 0)

1. GUT Health seems very compromised.
2. Sleep & constipation are the major identifiers that need attention.

* Advised: GHRCA-guided 30 days.


​Stop reacting—Start healing your GUT naturally


Trust our GUT expert's extensive experience in accurately recognizing the root cause of your GUT issues online, resolving them with natural, online, adaptable non-invasive training and products 


Why Noninvasive Analysis is Superior?


​✔ Microbiologist Experts –  accurately identify factors affecting GUT with interview only.


✔ No Discomfort or Pain – of pricks, probes, or messy stool tests.​​


​✔ Comprehensive Insights – detects GUT & microbial imbalances without disrupting GUT flora.


​​​✔ Safe & Convenient –  Online screening from any-where, any day.​​


GHRCA - How it works effectively?

​Step 1:  Register for the GHRCA online session.


Step 2:  Receive a detailed root cause report post-session along with recommendations.


Step 3:  Start expert-recommended natural pro-GUT strategies.


Step 4:  Join personalized training & nutrition plans designed by an expert GUT microbiologist.


Step 5:  Get effective results by monitoring of progress & optimizing GUT balance.


Over 7 billion reports of serious GUT issues, why


  • Anti-GUT stressful lifestyle abusing the GUT microbes.

  • Immensely random diets, supplements, and exercises.  

  • Inconclusive probes, pricks, or other invasive methods.​​​

  • Reactive symptomatic medications and antibiotics use.



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